With so much research done on the effects nutrients in food have on the body, one important subject is how food can affect skin health. What you eat can play a big role in maintaining and improving skin health.
There’s a few surprising choices which you can easily add to your diet to give your skin that vibrant, healthy tone you’re looking for.
Carotenoids are found in plants and they give them their bright orange, yellow, green, red and all other colors.
Eating foods rich in this pigment can prevent the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. They also are known o decrease the impact that stress has on damaging skin, through its antioxidant effects.
To get the most of carotenoids, think of foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, grapefruit, bell peppers, tomatoes, and all types of bright leafy greens.
Vitamin E is an important nutrient that helps stop the production of free radicals. For your skin this means a delaying of the aging process.
The best food source is sunflower seeds, which provide 82% of the daily value at just ¼ a cup.
Other rich food sources include spinach, almonds, avocados, and peanuts.
The mineral zinc has been described by the American Academy of Family Physicians as a “24-hour, on call skin mechanic”.
This is due to its ability to repair wounds and damaged tissue. It’s also been shown to protect against potentially harmful sunrays.
There’s even new research, which shows it can prevent skin sores and acne.
The richest sources of zinc include beef, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and lentils.
Sudden increases in blood sugar can lead to more androgens, which are potentially harmful hormones that lead to wrinkles.
The best foods that keep blood sugar regulated include oatmeal, all types of meat, spinach, kale, and many other non-root vegetables.
Sudden increases in blood sugar can lead to more androgens, which are potentially harmful hormones that lead to wrinkles.
The best foods that keep blood sugar regulated include oatmeal, all types of meat, spinach, kale, and many other non-root vegetables
One of the benefits of fatty acids and in particular omega 3’s, is that they improve the health of the skin cell membrane.
This means it can help skin cells retain water, which leads to softer, wrinkle-free, and healthier skin.
Omega 3’s also reduce inflammation, which reduces the damage brought on by the aging process.
Fatty fish contain omega 3’s in high amounts, as do walnuts and flaxseeds. Just 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds provides 133% of the daily value, and ¼ cup of walnuts has 113% of the daily value.
The amino acids found in protein are not only useful for increasing muscle mass, but they’re known improve hair, nails, and skin health.
The 2 amino acids L-lysine and L-proline in particular are directly responsible for improving collagen, which gives skin tissues their structure.
This making of collagen leads to less wrinkles and thicker skin.
The richest sources for these amino acids are found in milk, Greek yogurt, beef, cabbage, nuts, eggs and beans.
Flavonols are antioxidants found naturally in plants. A lot of research has gone into the effects of these chemicals, with new research showing how useful they truly are.
They have what’s known as photoprotection qualities, which means it reduces the damage brought on by the suns rays.
Oregon State University ran a study, which concluded that these flavonols could increase DNA repair, reduce inflammation, and improve the immune system. This means it not only can improve skin health, but it can work to protect it in the long term.
Both Green Tea and Dark Chocolate are high in flavonols, and both of these ingredients have been shown to improve skin health according to clinical studies.
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant found in the body, and you can find it in highest amounts within skin.
It’s made to protect cells from damage, and as one ages it’s naturally reduced. Most of its production happens within one’s 20’s and 30’s. This important antioxidant helps protect the skins layers, and it provides UV protection and promotes elasticity.
Reduced levels can cause sagging skin and lesions.
The richest sources for this ingredient are organ meats, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, and fatty fish.
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